Thursday, May 6, 2010

Beauty Inspiration for the day...

Recently, I have been reading lots and lots of stories and hearing lots and lots of soundbites on "How to achieve that perfect beach body before summer"  Most of these have covered cleanses, exercise techniques, new laser surgeries, even a BABY FOOD DIET.   Everyone seems to have a different theory on what works and every individual has their own techniques. 

Today, I read an article on some tips from Dr. Oz ( yes, that guy from Oprah who now has his own show)  I want to give Dr. Oz a huge shout out and some super Jazz Hands because I really liked what he had to say.  So, on that note, below is my favorite tip from him and my Beauty Inspiration for the day...

From the Article ,  Dr. Oz 16 Tips for Summer Weight Loss

"SEE YOURSELF AS FABULOUS": Successful athletes do this all the time -- before they even start a race, they picture that they've already crossed the finish line. So take a page from the pro-athlete playbook and before you count a single calorie, picture how successful your bathing suit reveal will be. "Visualize the first time you'll be out at the beach, walking around with confidence," said Dr. Oz. "You'll have lost some of the extra pounds that make a huge difference in how you look in a bathing suit and you're going to go out there and you're going to look hot. Focus on how you think that will feel and shoot for that."

You go Dr. OZ... This man knows what he is talking about,  Oh and by the way, he also thinks Hot Sex with your partner is a good way to divert food cravings!  Yippppeeee baby food for me!!!!!

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